
Showing posts from September, 2019

Google Sheet

                  Google Sheet is a free, cloud-based spreadsheet application. That  means you can open it in your browser window like a regular web page, but you have all the functionality of a full spreadsheet application for doing powerful data analysis. It really is best of both worlds. How is it different to Excel?           - No doubt you’ve heard of Microsoft Excel, the long-established heavyweight of the spreadsheet world. It’s an incredibly powerful, versatile piece of software, used by approximately 750 million – 1 billion people worldwide. So yeah, a tough act to follow. Google Sheets is similar in many ways, but also distinctly different in other areas. It has (mostly) the same set of functions and tools for working with data. With the risk of getting into an opinionated debate about the strengths/weaknesses of each platform, here a few key differences: Google Sheets is cloud-based whereas Excel is a desktop program. With Sheets, you’ll no longer